“A Turbulent Path To Stillness” is a short documentary film, cinematically captured by Raz Moussa and Katy Barjawi during a meditation retreat in Bali, Indonesia in 2022.
Explosive, raw, brave and revealing, this is the story of how through reflection and intention Katy delves inward in search of understanding, seeking the essence of her true self and the magic that each one of us possesses. Through different ways of meditation, we can all unpack our souls and reignite the flames within us, so we might see
EVERYTHING in a new light.
In a small corner of Sidemen, Bali, Katy, a curious soul embarks on an insightful journey to unravel the pathways to her truth. Learning the ways of Active Meditation she travels through the phases and faces of her shadows within. Turbulence, stillness, the ever swaying pendulum of darkness and light dances within her as step by step clarity is revealed.
A new layer to explore, a new question to be asked, a new habit to be broken.
The ever knocking question, Who am I?
Over the course of five chapters, we follow Katy as she experiences four different types of Active Meditation, each one challenging her beliefs, emotions, and perspectives. In Chapter 2, she faces herself during Kundalini Meditation and realizes that she can step back and observe her thoughts and emotions. In Chapter 3, she breaks free of her reactive habits and learns to let go of judgement during Osho Dynamic Meditation. In Chapter 4, she confronts the reality of death and gains clarity on what is truly important in life. And in Chapter 5, she finds a deeper sense of gratitude and inner peace through Mahamudra Meditation. Through each step of her journey, Katy transforms and finds a new perspective on life.
Wake up!
What is stillness? Clarity, understanding, peace, truth? You can never stop your mind, breathing is happening, emotions are flowing, sensations flickering through us at all times, all we can do is step back and observe it. Through Active Meditation Katy learns new paths inward in search of a deeper connection with herself. Have you encountered yourself lately?
We all have shadows within us, whispering through our minds as we live our lives. At some point we have to face those voices inside us. At some point we must shake the tree and let all the dead leaves fall. Through Active Meditation Katy dances her way through the echoes within and begins to battle the different parts of her self, asking the hard question “Who am I?”
It’s difficult to break a habit, to challenge and overcome repressed thoughts and emotions we bottled up for so long like stagnant energy. Through Dynamic Meditation Katy learns now was the time to break through the habit of judgement and become the observer, returning back to innocence .
Death is the only certainty in life and yet we are avoiding it. Why are we not facing it? Through Death Meditation Katy learns the art of letting go, realizing just how precious time is, that we must live in the present and spend the time fully. That attachment is our greatest restraint in life. What are you attached to?
When we relinquish control, we allow life to flow, we allow energy to flow like clouds, untouched. Through MahaMudra Katy learns to open up the space within and say yes to life with no resistance. Now at peace she could hear the calm echoes of existence and give back to the universe what time had given her. Perspective, Purpose & Love.
Throughout the filming and post production process, both me (Raz) and Katy encountered moments that challenged us to expand, change our perspective, understand our message, and the lessons we wanted to capture and portray in this piece. It has also allowed us to collaborate with some incredible people both in Bali and during the editing phase. We feel we have created some of our best work yet and learnt so many key lessons moving forward.
SAWA we can spark change one project at a time.